On the Morning of Thursday, Prof. Ahmed Ghallab Mohamed-Aswan University President declared that the door of students’ union elections has been opened in 18 faculties and institutes according to the directives of Minister of Higher Education during the period from 10th until 24th December for the academic year 2020/2021. In the attendance of Dr. Ayman Osman-Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, members of the high committee for supervision on the elections.

University President stressed on applying the precautionary and preventive measures calling students to participate in their election right inside the students’ union at faculties and university. Prof.Ahmed Ghallab added the elections conducers have done on two stages, the first stage opening the election door today, Thursday, from 9 am until 3 pm then announcing the primary statements and receiving appeals, announcing the final statements, the election propaganda, then electing  the members of committees on the level of teams of the first round, then run-off elections, then elections of the secretaries of  committees and their assistants on the level of faculty, then the election of federation president and his vice on the level of faculties.

The next stage begins the elections of secretaries and the assistant-secretaries of the high committees from opening the door of nomination  ,voting and sorting, the election of federation president and vice-president of students’ union of the university  and announcing the results in entire transparence. Prof. Ahmed Ghallab indicated the supreme committee to supervise the elections has been formed for the academic year 2020/2021 by the heading of Prof. Ahmed Ghallab-Aswan University President Dr. Nasser Muhammad, Student Activities Coordinator, Member, Dr. Muhammad al-Sagheer Abu al-Qasim, Vice Dean of the College of Arts as Member, and Dr. Ayman Abdel Ghaffar, Vice President of the Faculty of Law as Member, Hatem Yousry, Director General of Youth Welfare at the University as Member, Makram Khojaly, Director of Families and Union Administration as Member, Adam Muhammad Arifa, Student Member, Justina Ashraf Milad as a member to complete the operation of election in neutral and transparency.