Applying rotation among employees by 50%

Prof.Ahmed Ghallab Mohamed-Aswan University President issued a decision of reducing the university’s staff ”education department” whose nature’s jobs at the different administrations allow them to absent with exceptional leave by rotation among them by 50% without affecting the educational operation as of today, Sunday corresponding to 3\1\2021 until another notification over the month. Under the decision of the Prime Minister and the Supreme Council of Universities about reducing the numbers of the staff and ensuring the rotation of workers in attendance.

The decision stipulates on :

1-The employee or the worker who suffers from chronic diseases is granted exceptional leave according to a decision from the medical committee accredited by the health insurance and sealed.

2-Granting the employee who in contact with the corona patient an exceptional leave after submitting the evidence of this.

3-Granting female employees who care for a child less than 8 years an exceptional leave during the validity of the Prime Minister’s decision.

4-Granting the pregnant employee an exceptional leave according to the medical committee decision at the health insurance if it’s necessary.

Prof.Ahmed Ghallab confirmed that this decision isn’t applied to Aswan University Hospital staff, sectors of the university security, as well as the administration of gardens and farms- according to the needing in coordination with the administration of the university-or the workers who obtain part-time leave, there is no any regular-leave during the validity of the decision, stressing on all the university staff and Aswan University Hospital staff follow the precautionary measures and social distancing, and anyone violates this exposes himself to legal accountability according to the university’s plan to confront the emerging coronavirus.