Doctoral thesis discussion of the researcher/ Wael Mohammed -English Language Department

Yesterday, on Saturday 27/3/2021 doctoral thesis discussion of the Researcher/ Wael Mohammed at English Language Department was held at the rest house of the University in Cairo under the title of ” Restoration the Harmony with Nature in selected poems by two poets Don Mackay or Sandire : Comparative Study in the light of the Environmental Criticism”. The committee was formed of the following gentle professors:

1-Prof. Gamal Abdul Nasser Talaat– Professor of English Literature and Head of the English Department at the Faculty of Languages and Interpretation at the Egypt University for Science and Technology, (Supervisor and Chairman).

2-Prof. Osama Abdul Fattah Madani-Professor of English Literature and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Menoufia University, (Member and Debater).

3-AstProf. Adel Mohammed Abdul Sami-Assistant Professor of Literature at Faculty of Arts-Aswan University, ( Member and Supervisor). 

4-Prof.Sayed Sadiq Awadallah-Professor of the English Literature and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts-Port Said University, (Member and Debater).

The researcher was granted the degree with excellent grade with the highest honor, and all precautionary measures were taken in the attendance of a number of family with applying social distancing among them.