The Digital Top Forum Contest (Egypt of Civilization)

The General Administration of Student Welfare( The department of the scientific & technological activity ) announces to participate in the Digital Top Forum Contest (Egypt of Civilization) that is held at Assiut University for :

-The best student research about the vision of Egyptian youth for a good investment to the ancient Egyptian history in propaganda for Egypt, introducing it and promoting for its causes and principals. 

-The best student initiative expresses students’ innovation  for workable ideas that promote and reinforce the feelings of pride and national loyalty among the Egyptian people through a viable in

 Contest Conditions:

1- Receiving students’ works on CDs from the beginning of the 10th April to 16th May 2021. 

2- Receiving students’ works at The General Administration of Student Welfare ( the department of scientific and technological activity ) Aswan University at the deadline of 16-5-2021.

3-Works will be evaluated and the winner of it will participate in the Assuit University Forum. 

4-Great financial awards will be submitted in addition to appreciation certifications for all three winning positions in each field plus the participation shield. 

5-The preventive and precautionary measures will be taken during the conclusion of the forum as caring for the safety of the participants.