curative tourism and environmental improvement first international conference.

under the patronage of prof: Khaled Abdelghaffar_minister of high education, and general: Ahmed Ibrahim _Aswan governer, and prof: Ahmed Ghalab _Aswan university president and the head of the first international conference of Curative tourism and environmental improvement between reality and desired.which will take place on 14th to 16th December 2018.

The conference aims to put Aswan city on the global map of curative tourism and climatotherapy seekers, and also makes the role of universities in the activation of the curative tourism sector in Aswan become more effective, besides many other aims.many axes will be discussed in the conference which are:

(the historical and cultural, the environmental, the economical .the marketing, and the medial axis )

Researches summaries should be sent in approximately one page in Arabic or English to the e-mail address :

deadline for sending researches: 1st November 2018.

for more details about the conference: press here