An invitation to attend the master thesis discussion -history department-modern and contemporary specialization

An invitation to attend the master thesis discussion for the Researcher/ Fibi Huneen Nashid Huneen-history department-modern and contemporary specialization entitled ”Economic, Military, and Political Relations between Libya and Britain from the Libyan Revolution 1969 AD until Lockerbie accident in 1988 AD”.

The jury and discussion committee is formed of:

Prof. Hamadna Allah Mostafa Hassan– Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Emeritus at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, as “Chairman and Supervisor.”

Prof. Sayed Mohamed Abdel Aal-Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of Arts, South Valley University, Qena, “Member and Discussant”

Prof. Salah El-Sayed AbdelAl, Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of Arabic Language, Al-Azhar University, Assiut, “Member and Discussant”

In the headquarter of New Aswan City, on Thursday corresponding to 30-9-2021 at 10 am.