The master thesis discussion of the researcher / Mona Mujahid-French language department

Faculty of Arts-Aswan University- witnessed the master’s thesis discussion of the Researcher/Mona Mujahid Salah Salem-French language department – entitled ” The origin of the folk proverbs and the problems of their translation”.

A master thesis panel was formed of :

1Prof. Osama Mohamed Nabil-Professor of Literature and Translation at Al Azhar University-Cairo-”chairman and discussant”.

2Prof. Mohamed Abdul Baqi Ahmed-Assistant Professor of French Languages – Faculty of Arts-South Valley University-Qena-”chairman and discussant”.

3Prof.Mohamed Saad Ali-Assistant Professor of Translation and Languages-Faculty of Arts-Fayoum University-”chairman and discussant”.

4Prof.Mohamed El-Soghair Abo Al Kassem– Assistant Professor of French Literature-Faculty of Arts- Aswan University” member and supervisor”. 

The discussion was held at the seminar hall in the university’s headquarter-Sahary-among a large number of academic staff and assisting body from the colleagues of the Faculty of Arts in the attendance of the researcher’s family; the discussion ended in granting the researcher the master degree with the excellent degree and wishing sustainable success and advancement.