”Othman” stresses the implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the necessity of receiving Coronavirus vaccine

Today, Prof. Ayman Mahmoud Othman – Acting President of Aswan University – has followed up the implementation of the decisions of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding not to allow students, academic staff and their assistants, all employees, and university affiliates to enter the university until after submitting a certificate proving that the vaccine has been obtained, in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

For his part, His Excellency indicated that any employee was prevented from entering his workplace except for those who had received the vaccination against the Coronavirus, and with the exception of those who had an acceptable sick excuse with a PCR analysis before allowing them to enter.

”Othman” stated that there is no complacency regarding implementing the decisions of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, pointing out that vaccines aim to reduce the chances of infection with Coronavirus, as well as it contributes to the regularity of university life, the continuation of the educational process and the return of many student activities.

Aswan University President stressed that the commitment of the university’s administration and its various headquarters (New Aswan City campus, Abu Al-Rish, and Al Nafak) to the decisions of the Council of Ministers and the intensification of follow-up to ensure their implementation and application of all precautionary measures to limit the spread of the new Coronavirus epidemic inside the university, including wearing a medical mask and observing social distancing.

Accordingly, he appealed to those who did not receive the vaccine to quickly go to the headquarters of receiving the vaccine in the university represented in the university hospital, the university campus in Sahary, New Aswan City campus, and the headquarters of the Faculty of Education in Al Nafak to facilitate all university employees.