Aswan University President inspects the central restaurant of the university hostel and has lunch with students

Dr. Ayman Mahmoud Othman-Acting of Aswan University President made an inspected visit to the central restaurant in the university and accompanied him the assistant secretaries of the university, the general director of the administrative affairs in the university, Student/ Islam Youssef– Head of Students Union in order to ensure the level of services, and the way of preparing submitted meals for students of the university hostels; inspected during the visite the various stages of preparing food, the commitment to health measures of preparing submitted meals for students of the university hostels, following-up the precautionary measures, sterilizing works and continued purification inside the places of eating meals at the university hostels restaurants, following-up the health and safety measures in preparing and submitting meals.

Dr. Ayman Othman-University President stressed this civil tour at the university hostels restaurants comes within the keenness of ensuring the workflow in these virtual places that are related to the comfort of students through their residence period in the university hostel through a new academic year, stressing applying all precautionary and protective measures against coronavirus, with workers wearing masks as well as distributing packaged foods in their specific dates in a safe manner as caring for the health and safety of students.