50 scientific research in the first conference of Young researchers of Aswan university

Aswan University has been prepared to organize the first conference of young researchers next Thursday and will last for three days. Prof Ahmed Ghaab, the university president stated that the conference aims at encourage postgraduate studies’ students (master’s and PhD) to conduct scientific researches of a high level   to serve the community and the surrounding environment; it also aims at raising the cooperation between the faculties of the university.

Prof: Ayman Osman, the university vice president for postgraduate studies and researches and the conference chairman added that the organizing committee of the conference has receiveved 50 research from master’s and PhD students from Aswan University and the arbitration committee composed of a selection of teaching staff of the scientific departments in the university.

He explained that reward money will be presented to the best three researches to encourage the participants to pursue scientific research, an addition to advisory talks for the researchers presented by Egyptians knowledge bank for Aswan University.

Indicating that the organizing committee of the conference includes: prof: Mohamed Abd Alaziz Mohalel_faculty of engineering vice dean for postgraduate studies and researches and the conference vice chairman, and the membership of:

Dr:Hasan Khozayem _head of technology and applied science path,Dr:Eman Abu Alnaga_head of health and medical science path,Dr:Mohamed Alsoghayer_head of  humanities and social science,Dr:Ayman Samir –the conference vice chairman for information technology, and D,Eng:Ghada Yahya Abu Zeid _the conference vice chairman.