Media Department


The Media Department was established at the same time that the Aswan branch of South Valley University was transformed into a university, and the actual study took place in the department in 2012. One of the main goals of its founding was to enrich the media in the governorate, and the department, like the rest of the college departments, evolved through time. Its specializations ranged from journalism to tourism public relations, and the department took on the responsibility of teaching journalism and public relations.


Providing the student with specialized knowledge and information in the field of media in general, such as media theories, communication technology, public opinion, and international media. It also provides the student with the skills and instills the necessary values for work and media research.


Providing the student with the knowledge, information, and skills needed by the media specialist in other sciences such as economics, politics, statistics, computers, history, geography, and sociology.


-Giving pupils the language skills they need to expand their intellectual, cultural, and artistic collections.

-Developing certified media competencies for work in the public and private sectors.

-Contribute to scientific research by connecting it to societal human and developmental requirements.

-Community service and continuous education are provided through media training and advisory courses, as well as scientific gatherings.

-Creating a scientific link between the ancient Arab language and intellectual heritage and the modern one, with its different approaches.

-Educating students on the significance of language and literature in fostering Arab and Islamic faith and identity.

-Improving communication with the media in order to achieve a balance between the nation’s past and present.

-Academically and technically preparing and qualifying pupils for the labor market.

-Developing a scientific research spirit and the ability to adhere to creative research literature.

-Reviving Arab heritage in order to raise awareness of the nation’s history and connect the present with the past in order to build a bright future.

-Cooperation with scientific and community institutions, as well as media-related agencies.