Aswan University Council No. (63)

Aswan University Council No. (68) was held under the leadership of Prof./Ahmed Ghalab Mohammed-University President, in the presence of General-Magdy Hegazi- Aswan governor, Prof./Mansour Kabash-Aswan University Former President, Mr./Mohammed Fawzi-councilor of state, Prof./ Ayman Othman-vice president of University graduate studies and researches, Prof./ Ahmed Sayed Khalil-vice president of University of society service and environmental improvement, Prof./ Hanan Abd El-Menem-vice president of University education and students affairs and faculties deans.

Holding the fourth conference entitled “Upper Egypt on the action” was approved in the Council which is considered a great opportunity to exchange experience and enrich the new trends of computer engineering fields ,and the council ratified the record of the previous meeting, establishing a geographic, surveying and remote sensing information systems center in the University which is considered the first center of the University which serves a lot of climate and geographic and natural phenomena causes in the south of Upper Egypt and some of scientific degrees were granted in Education, Science and arts faculties, and the Council approved on activating various activities for students of disabilities and it approved on some of appointments for new teaching staff of different faculties.