Journal List


Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Arts-Aswan University

The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Aswan University, is a refereed scientific journal that publishes original and innovative scientific research in the field of literature, science, and studies related to humanities and social sciences.

1 – The research has to be new, and represent an addition to the field of the precis scientific specialization, with a commitment to the sober scientific method, and can’t be published in any other journal.

2 – The research has to be written on the computer, presented in three copies with CD involves research is carried out, following the publishing rules stipulated in the Chicago Manual of Style AAA, and the rest of the instructions.

3- The research is approved for publication in its initial case, the researchers are subjected to confidential arbitration by the professor arbitrators, provided that the researcher commits to the necessary or formal adjustments approved by the committee after noting the researcher. The publication request is considered null in the case the researcher does not commit to the suggested controls and adjustments; the editorial board is not obligated to return the article returned to it in case of non-publishing.

4 -Arabic language of the formal language and the journal publishes researches in other foreign languages.

5- The researcher has to check and proofread the research and be sure to free research from any linguistic, stylistic, spelling, and typographical errors.

6-The materials published in the journal can’t be published in any other body whether by paper, writing, or electronically, except in case of getting written permission from the editor-in-chief. 

7-Articles published in the journal express the opinions of their writers and not necessarily express the opinion of the journal or the gentle arbitrators; in case there is a legal violation or a lack in committing to the scientific integrity, the owners of the posts will bear all legal responsibility resulting from that.

Features of Writing:

1 – Headline Font 16 Black, Subtitle Font 14, Black Matn Font 13, Margins Font 11, and Font Simplified Arabic

2 – For research in the foreign language, the headline shall be font 14 black, the body 12, the footnotes in font 10, and the line ” NEW ROMAN TIMES”

3 – Regarding the abbreviations for periodicals and scientific references, international abbreviations are used for each discipline.

4- On the first page, writing the researcher’s address, his academic title, and the body he works for.

5 -The presence of two abstracts, one in Arabic and the other in English, each of which does not exceed 200 words.

6- Margins at the bottom of each page.

7 -Referring to the margins by serial numbers in the body of the research and placing them numbered according to the sequence at the bottom of the page on which they are received, taking into account shortening the margins to the maximum extent possible.

8- A list of the references at the end of the research, in which all the references referred to in the research are mentioned and arranged alphabetically, the Arabic references come first, then the foreign references after it, and the data of each reference are mentioned as follows:

A – When the reference is a book:

Author’s name, book title (edition – volume), country name: publisher, (publication year)

B – When the reference is a research in a scientific journal:

Researcher’s name, research title, journal name, issue, date of publication, pages, place of publication.

C – When the reference is a research in a book:

The researcher’s name, the title of the research, the name of the author of the book, the number, the title of the book, the name of the country: the publisher, (year of publication), and the pages of research.

Publishing cost:

The fees of judging for each research would be collected once it’s issuing to the journal for the first time, and before sending it for arbitration; the committee of editing has the right to specify the value of the fees of the publishing in the journal.


Prof. Dean of the Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Arts, Aswan University – Aswan, Arab Republic of Egypt

Postal number / 81528

T / fax / 0020973582534