An invitation to attend the master’s thesis discussion for researcher /Shaima – the Department of Media

An invitation to attend the discussion of the master’s thesis by researcher Shaima Salem Muhammad Jibril -Department of Media- under the title “The Role of Public Relations in Developing the Social Capital of Government Service Institutions in Egypt” A Survey Study, where the master thesis panel consisted of:

Prof. Mahmoud Youssef Mustafa

Professor of Public Relations, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

“Chair and discussant”

Prof. Mohamed Mohamed Emara – Assistant Professor of Mass Communication, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, South Valley University, Qena

“Member and Discussion”

Prof. Issa Abdel-Baqi Moussa – Professor of Mass Communication, Faculty of Mass Communication, Beni Suef University

“Member and Supervisor”

Prof.  Hebat Allah Nasr Hassan Mustafa – Assistant Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Arts, Aswan University

“Member and Supervisor”

The discussion will be on Thursday, 25/11/2021 AD, at the University Break in Cairo at 10:am.