An invitation to attend the master thesis discussion of the researcher/Alaa Mohamed Azzab-Arabic department


An invitation to attend the master thesis discussion of the researcher/Alaa Mohamed Azzab-Arabic department entitled”  Artistic Characteristics of Prose according to the Arab Rulers before Islam”

Where the discussion and judgment committee was formed of:

Prof.Mustafa Abdul Hafeez Abdul Alhadie-Professor of Literature Studies at the Faculty of Darl Uloom-Aswan University.

Prof. Reefaei Youssef Abdul Hafez-Professor of Arab Literature at the Faculty of Arts-Aswan University.

Prof.Abdul Moneam Ali Osman-Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Literary Criticism at the Faculty of Arts-Aswan University.

On Sunday corresponding to 27/3/2022 at the university’s breakroom at 10:am at the university headquarter at New Aswan.