Aswan university hold a meeting to discuss the transporting crisis.


Based on the instructions Aswan university’s president prof: Ahmed Ghalab, Aswan university held a meeting in coordination with the competent authorities’ officials to put urgent solutions for the transporting crisis which faces the students of Aswan university in Sahary and new Aswan city.

The meeting was headed by Dr: Ayman Osman ,Aswan university vice president for postgraduate studies and researches ,in the presence of dr: Hanan Abdel-Azeem ;Aswan university vice president for education and students affairs, General: Abdallah Elmeleigy;head of Aswan city’s local unit ,officer:Mohamed Rizk;head of traffic investigations unit, Engineer:Ahmed Rashad ;head of new Aswan city’s corporation, faculties’ deans,student:Omar Aglan;representing Aswan university’s student union,the governorate stops and cars officials ,student care unit ,security and services firm representative ,media and public relations official,university’s coordinator at new Aswan city ,and the medical administration’s official at the university .

A number of recommendations were presented by the end of the meeting which are:coordinating with Aswan traffic administration to fix 86 microbus for new Aswan city’s line and tightening the traffic control on these buses to make sure they stick to the determined line in addition to 8 public transport buses 4 for sahary line and 4 another bus for new Aswan city line, that’s beside establishing five sunshades for students.

Dr: Ayman Osman stated that there will be a coordination with Aswan governorate to give permissions for new buses and minibusses to work at the university’s headquarters at new Aswan city and sahary, besides the new lines between the city stops and the university’s headquarters.

He added that an operations room consists of: traffic investigations head officer, the university’s coordinator at new Aswan city, stops official, and Aswan governorate public transport manager to face the traffic jam at the rush hour and throughout the day, besides four university buses that would be spared from the teaching staff and university’s employees buses to serve students in the case of traffic congestion.

The meeting also recommended to coordinate with the new Aswan city corporation to hurry up establishing the new regions stops in new Aswan city which will be near the university’s headquarters there. he said they will examine the possibility of contracting with public transport companies to serve the students for a monthly nominal fee. and another meeting will be held on the beginning of November to assess the procedures which were applied to solve the problem.

Dr: Hanan Abdel-Azeem, Aswan university vice president for education and students affairs, said: after coordinating with faculties’ deans and education secretaries, the lectures schedules will be modified to avoid the crowding which caused by students exit at the same time.

She added that there is a coordination with authorities to provide the university’s headquarters at sahary and new Aswan city with two ambulances to supply the medical services at the university in cases of emergency in coordination with the medical administration of university, that’s beside fixing a university bus at 9 AM from the university dormitory at sahary to the faculty of energy engineering and the medical complex and return at 1 PM every day.

On his part, the student Omar Aglan said that the meeting has presented a number of solutions to the transporting crisis which faced Aswan university’s students .and that affirms the real concern of the competent authorities for the student comfort.