Aswan University President explains the fact of the birth of a newborn baby inside the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

Dr. Ashraf Maebed-Executive Manager of Aswan University Hospitals declared that what is being reported on some websites about finding a baby born on the floor behind a closet at the bathrooms of the department inside the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Aswan University Hospital.

Dr. Ashraf Maebed added the case of the baby has been explored by an aged maid during cleansing and purifying the bathrooms of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, the incident entirely has been converted to public prosecution to investigate it and conduct the necessary medical analyses, in order to prove the identity of the baby and to know the puzzle of this incident, the unexpected the sides of this hideous crime have been waved in Aswan University Hospital that provides the medical service for the citizens of Southern Upper Egypt and our brother patients from Africa.

Aswan University Administration waits the results of investigations for questioning the negligent ones and those who involved in this crime, Aswan University Hospital works on showing the facts and questioning who proved their condemnation in this crime and the unhumanitarian work.

Executive Manager of Aswan University Hospitals explained finding the dead body of the baby born inside the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department with noting a bad smell emits from the bathrooms of patients and by examination it has been found it’s a roll behind the siphon’s bathroom in a hard noted place; once exploring the incident the security agencies has been reported with it  and recorded the incident , the public prosecution has been reported to direct the investigations and it was found is a dead body of a newborn  and it’s ongoing knowing the parents of the newborn.

Regarding what is published about the owner of the baby is a Sudan woman and for explanation she has come to the university hospital since days and she was in a late stage of birth and it was impossible to unaccepted her or let her birth in the street, and when asks her about the identity of her husband she said he was in Cairo and she doesn’t have any papers; once her entering to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department the official agencies has been reported fearing of the identity of the father would be unknowing and throw the newborn baby outside the hospital; we call the official agencies to stand beside the university hospital to limit the numbers  and problems and of the Sudan brothers who receive the treatment in the hospital without paying any fees for the services, as well as we reported the Sudan Consulate and we will inform you what the results of investigations in this incident.