Postponing the first-semester exams until after mid-year vacation

Prof.Ahmed Ghallab Mohammed-Aswan University President announced the postponing of all theoretical, practical, and oral exams for all academic batches in various faculties as well as postgraduate studies until after ending the mid-year vacation according to the decision of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Supreme Council of Universities as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus as a keenness of the safety of all university employees including students, academic staff and their associates, and workers.

Prof.Ahmed Ghallab added the studying curricula of the studying batches and the postgraduate studies will be continued starting from Saturday corresponding to January 2, 2021, until the end of the first semester by the distance- learning; explaining that the timetable of the exams will be announced later after ending from the mid-year vacation.