Aswan university president stressed on the importance of participation in student activities

Prof: Ahmed Ghalab Mohamed –Aswan university president has stressed that students’ activities play a great role in building students’ talents and developing their abilities in the different fields.

That was during his checking on the competitions of students’ families youth week organized by families’ management in youth care administration in association with the higher commission of families in student union during the period from 7th to 11th   this April.

He also praised the strong participation of student families ‘members in the different social, cultural, art, and athletic contests which go hand in hand with academic achievement.

From her side,prof:Hanan Abd Almoneam Awad-the university vice president for students and education affairs stated that the number of participated families in the week is 26 family  from all faculties of the university participate in many events such as  sports marathon, workshops for wall magazines, painting workshops, television reporter competition, cultural information league, five-a side  football game,ping-pong,a tug for war contest for female students, and stimulation  model of youth forum.