Aswan University Workers Syndicate holds a memorial ceremony for the late Khaled Siam, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts


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Aswan University Workers Union Committee held a memorial ceremony for the late / Khaled Siam, the former Secretary-General of the Faculty of Arts, and the memorial was witnessed by Prof. Dr. / Ayman Mahmoud Othman – president of Aswan University – and in the presence of a number of deans of the university faculties, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, faculty members and their assistants, faculty workers and members of the workers union And His Eminence Sheikh / Muhammad Abdel Aziz – the former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf – and Sheikh / Saud Mansour from endowment scholars and many of the university leaders, the family of the deceased of Aswan University and the son of the village of West Aswan.

        The memorial activities began with verses from the Noble Qur’an, then words for the audience platform. Prof. Dr. Ayman Othman emphasized the consolidation and strengthening of good relations between Aswan University employees and as a kind of giving back to the university’s loyal sons in their work and distinguished performance. The union lost an active and active member in the community, charitable and administrative work and the deceased was always at the service of his fellow union members and university employees.

          Mr. Mahmoud Sanusi – General Director of Human Resources at the university and vice-president of the Syndicate – pointed to the good relationship of the late / Khaled Siam with all his colleagues from the university and the Faculty of Arts and that he will remain immortal in the hearts of all, and offered his sincere condolences to the family of the deceased.

          Professor Khaled Asian, Assistant Secretary-General of the University, explained that the memorial events dealt with a review of his personal and practical biography through a documentary film about his career and the words of his colleagues affecting his lament, praying to God Almighty to bless him with His mercy and to inspire his family and relatives patience and solace. At the conclusion of the memorial service, his family was honored in recognition of his dedication to work.