Aswan university’s first bike race.

Aswan University has organized the first bikes race yesterday at new Aswan city with the participation of 100 students from various faculties.

Prof:Ahmed Ghalab ,Aswan university’s president has given the go-ahead signal in the presence of Dr:Hanan AbdelMonea’m , ,university’s vice president  for education and students affairs , Dr:Ayman Osman,Aswan university’s vice president for postgraduate studies and researches,and engineer:Ahmed Rashad ,head of new Aswan city authority, and a number of security commands.

The race was set on two stages, 70 male students have participated in the first stage that was 7 kilometers and started from the new Aswan city authority up through the university’s new headquarters then return back to the city authority’s headquarters .the second stage was with the participation of 30 female students started from the new Aswan city authority up to the university’s new headquarters (3.5 kilometers).

Ahmed Abdelnaby, the student at faculty of physical education won the first place of the race, where the university has allocated prize money for the first six winners from the two stages (males and females).

Ghalab stated that this race accompanies with opening of the university’s new headquarters at new Aswan city and in cooperation with the city authority which presents all the facilities for organizing such events. He added that the race aims to activate the sporting activity besides the academic activity in the university and encourage students to a competitive and effective participation.

In the same context Dr:Hanan AbdelMonea’m ,university’s vice president  for education and students affairs declared that the goal of the bike race is encouraging university’s students to practice sports which raise up their health and intelligence level. she added that the university hopes the next year race would be with the participation of the Egyptian universities.