Benha University organizes the first Egyptian hackathon at the level of the state about smart cities

Under the patronage of Prof.Khaled Abdel Ghaffar-Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Banha University organizes the first Egyptian hackathon at the level the state about smart cities, through the period from 24 to 26 March 2022 and this to achieve goals of Egypt’s vision2030 about transforming towards a digital economy based on knowledge, encouraging innovation, research, and development to present their smart ideas and programmatical projects that contribute in improving the level of cities, the hackathon witnesses the race of teams of the governmental, private and civil Egyptian universities to work on finding creative solutions in various fields which are: smart buildings, smart facilities, smart gardens, transport/smart traffic, smart hospitals, smart recycling, smart observation, smart energy, smart administration, schools/ smart universities.

The participated teams will be qualified through seminars by the internet and from academic staff for one week, practical training will be presented to the qualified batches in the creativity centers and things internet laboratories that are distributed at the Egyptian universities, finally it will be hosted the three qualified batches for three days in Banaha university, and the necessary support, instructing and guidance for them to build and develop primary models from their innovations, on the condition that the primary models will be evaluated by specialized experts, announcing the results and receiving prizes in the third day.

It’s worth mentioning the winners in the hackathon will obtain awards in total of 100 thousand Egyptian pounds presented by Banha University; in addition to other valuable prizes.

To participate in this important event through the following link