Conducting the elections of Head Students’ Union and his Vice within applying an intensive precautionary measures

Prof.Ahmed Ghallab Mohamed- Aswan University President stated that today, on Wednesday, the announcement of the winners of the position of the head of students’ union of faculties and his vice has been announced, after finishing from conducting the elections of head of faculties federation that includes the secretaries, assistant secretaries at the faculties of university that begins from 9 am until 1 pm on the level of 18 faculties and the Nursing Technical Institute with applying all precautionary and preventive measures for confronting the emerging corona virus according to the university’s plan through the works of the elections of students union on the level of university. Prof. Ahmed Ghallab -Aswan University President explained that, tomorrow, on Thursday, the curtain will fall on the final round of University Student Union elections according to the timetable.