Discussion of the Doctoral Thesis of the Researcher/Abdul Atti- Arabic Department

Morning of today, the doctoral thesis of the Researcher/Abdul Atti has been held entitled ”the impact of the context in directing the meaning in the letters book for Al-Farabi.

Supervision committee is formed of:

Dr. Yassin Ahmed Issa, Professor of Morphology, Grammar and Presentations – Faculty of Arts, Aswan University, and Professor Dr. Rifai Youssef Abdel Hafez, Faculty of Arts – Aswan University.

Jury and Discussion Committee is formed of :

Prof. Dr. Hazem Ali Kamal El-Din – Faculty of Arts – Sohaj University (Chairman and Discussant).

Prof. Dr. Yassin Ahmed Issa-Professor of Morphology, Grammar and Presentations- Faculty of Arts – Aswan University (Member and Supervisor).

Prof. Rafai Youssef Abdel Hafez- Faculty of Arts – Aswan University (Member and Supervisor). 

Prof. Dr. Hazem Ali Kamal El-Din Faculty of Arts – Sohaj University (Chairman and Discussant)

Prof. Yassin Ahmed Issa- Professor of Morphology, Grammar and Presentations- Faculty of Arts – Aswan University (Member and Supervisor).

In the attendance of academic staff and their associates and a number of the parents.