Faculty of Nursing values the Information Center role in activating the electronic platform

Prof. Amal Mohamed Ahmed -Faculty of Nursing Dean praised the Information Center at Aswan University under the patronage of Prof. Ahmed Ghallab_ Aswan University President– and his interest in the vital role of those in charge of the electronic platform through their effective efforts in making performing electronic examinations at ease, and working to overcome the obstacles that faced students of the Faculty of Nursing on the university electronic platform, especially the third and second year students at the Faculty of Nursing.

The Administration of the Faculty of Nursing thanked Dr. Mohamed Eid-Director of Information and Networks Center at Aswan University, and Dr. Nasser Shaban– Head of E-learning Unit at university’s information center, and all the engineers who administer the exams via online platform.

Dr. Zahra Ahmed Sayed_ Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, mentioned that the positive and effective role of the e- learning system regarding serving students under the directives of Prof. Ahmed Ghallab-University President, for applying the hybrid education system.