Important Announcement by Ministry of Health & Population

The Ministry of Health & Population approved new facilities to vaccine students, these facilities are represented in the registration and immediate vaccination for students in the nearest vaccination center for a student anywhere in all the governorates of the republic, after the Ministry of Health & Population added the field (a university student) on the vaccination website to speed up the process of vaccinations for students in the universities in the aim of achieving targets based on the directives of the political leadership and its extreme interest in the students’ safety and the participants in the education process. Those who didn’t receive the vaccine must direct to any headquarters of receiving the vaccine in the university, which are:

1-Aswan University Hospital.

2-Sahary Headquarter.

3-New Aswan City Headquarter.

4-Faculty of Education Headquarter .

That’s come within the frame of the current measures that are taken by the state to preserve the health and safety of students and prevent the spreading of the virus, the university continues to provide vaccines in the pre-determined vaccination centers in the university and contemporary for all students, academic staff, and workers in line with the efforts of the Ministry of Health & Population until finishing from vaccinating all the university affiliates before the beginning of the academic year in the rate of 100%