Launching the events of the 3rd day for training imams at Aswan University

Under the patronage of Prof.Ahmed Ghallab-Aswan University President and under the supervision of Dr. Ayman Othman-Vice University President for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, today, on Tuesday, the events of the 3rd day for training imams and female preachers are completed at the campus of Aswan University.

Dr. Ahmed Ghallab emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two parties regarding correcting destructive ideas and wrong beliefs through an enlightened religious discourse; lectures come today under the title of ”Arabic language and its literature” to know the importance of phonetics and how to pronounce correctly, the course comes within the framework of the cooperation between Aswan University and the Minister of Endowments and works to activate the role of the university in serving the society and providing the technical support for the different bodies and institutions.

Dr. Ahmed Ghallab stressed applying all precautionary measures including wearing medical masks, observing social distancing, and measuring the temperature to ensure the safety of everyone within the light of facing the emerging coronavirus; In the first session, Dr.Farid Abdul Zaher-Professor of Arts and Criticism gave a lecture, while the second session came about the rhetoric of the Holy Qu’ran, the Noble Hadith of the Prophet and the divisons of the rhetoric including the science of statement and science of meanings.