Opening of center of people with special capacities in Aswan University

Prof: Ahmed Ghalab-Aswan university president and Major general:Saeid Hegazy –the Deputy governor opened a center for people with special capacities aiming at providing many services for disabled students inside the university.

The opening of the center was attended by: prof:Ayman Osman-the university vice president for  postgraduate studies and researches and a number of faculties’ deans and teaching staff in addition to representatives of persons with special capacities office in ministry of Youth and sports ,and the department of cultural empowerment for persons with special needs in Aswan , and a number of  handicapped persons and their parents.

Ghalab stated that the new center will contribute in providing help and assistance for the handicapped students and integrate them with the colleagues in the university whereas the center was established in the university headquarter in new Aswan city to be near to the handicapped students who study at the humanities faculties inside this headquarter.

Explaining that the center is directly under the university administration and includes a number of computers which contain speaking applications to facilitate using it for blind students ,the center will organize a number of training courses and events for handicapped students.indicationg that faculty of Archaeology –Islamic archaeology department  has launched an initiative titled “live positively” which aims at putting a smile on handicapped persons’ faces  and explore their talents and  make best use of their huge  energies  ,the university also witnessed the opening of arts fair for disabled persons which included many of distinct artwork. 

Dr:Ahdab Mohamed Hosny –the coordinator of the initiative added that the initiative aims at achieving the educational integration throughout training the handicapped students and forming distinctive teamwork manages organizing sports ,social and entertaining programs for the disabled students.