Opening of psychology laboratory

Dr: Samy Hashem –head of education and scientific research commission in the Parliament, and prof: Ahmed Ghalab-Aswan university president have opened the laboratory of experimental psychology and psychometric of psychology department at faculty of Arts in the university headquarter in new Aswan city.

That was during the tour o which the members of education and scientific research commission have made in the university headquarter in new Aswan city accompanied by Yasseen Abdelsabour and Sharaee Saleh the deputies of Aswan in addition to Aswan university’s vice  presidents and a number of mayors and teaching staff members.

Ghalab stated: the new laboratory of psychology serve the university students and contributes in preparing the psychologist who is needed in hospitals, schools, and all other governmental sectors. The laboratory includes a large number of modern devices of learning methods and techniques measurement.

He added that the laboratory also contains a large number of psychological scales for all ages from childhood to old- age to measure the individual directions, intelligence, children disorders, learning difficulties for normal persons and of special needs.

Prof:Ehsan Abdelqodous Embaby-dean of faculty of arts added that the laboratory will also serve the students of faculty of medicine in the field of psychiatry and helping them in conducting the necessary measurements for children.

Dr:Medhat Altaf,head of psychology department  indicated that the laboratory serves 60 conditions per one hour and will receive all the cases who will have been transformed from schools and  the department of  health.