Significant rising in the number of researchers in Aswan university.

Prof: Ahmed Ghalab-Aswan university president assured that the number of the registered researchers for master’s and PhD in Aswan University has increased significantly, in addition to 400 Arab researchers in postgraduate studies at the university’s faculties which reflexes positively on the  high ranking   of Aswan university internationally whereas the university is among the best 300 worldwide universities in sustainable development  according to Times classification.

That was in the opening of the events of young researchers conference for the purpose of encouraging scientific research and upgrade the university rank internationally, the conference lasts for three days in the presence of: prof:Ayman Osman-the university vice president for  postgraduate studies and researches ,prof:Hanan Abd Almoneam –the university vice president for education and student affairs, and prof: Abd Alrahman Abd Albasset –acting university vice president for community service and environmental development affairs, prof: Mohamed Abd Alaziz Oraby –the conference vice president.

Ghalab added; the conference addressed 55 different researches in health, medical, humanities, social, information technology, these researchers will be evaluated and rewards will  be granted for the best three researches .

From his side, prof: Ayman Osman assured that the conference is a wonderful opportunity for the young researchers to present their researches to society and contact with business and industry men to benefit in practice. Stressing that Egyptian researchers have so many abilities and competencies and with little attention they able to list Egypt among the advanced countries in technology.

prof: Mohamed Abd Alaziz Oraby pointed out the opening of the fifth conference for students of engineering faculties in upper Egypt titled “upper Egypt on the scene” with the participation of 500 student, including to competitions in bridges and robots, in addition to open an engineering fair contains many new engineering ideas and projects alongside this conference in conjunction with young researchers conference.