Media Head’s Speech

The Media department is a block in the large university complex, and it continues to achieve its aims in collaboration with the rest of the university’s departments and faculties. The department differs from other media departments in Egyptian institutions in that it is the only one whose multiple media divisions are integrated into one. A licentiate degree in media is awarded by the department.

According to the Faculty of Arts’ belief in the current importance of the media, it seeks to meet society’s needs and graduate distinguished and professional media scientifically and intellectually to raise media performance level and make real change in the performance level of media institutions to achieve requested change in society through presenting strict media standards.

The media department was opened in 2012 and 31 students joined it in its first year, and numbers have doubled in the later years. As keen to achieving these goals, the university perseveres in its way to meet all requirements from laboratories prepared with the newest necessary devices to graduate armed students with theoretical knowledge and scientific experience.

Media Head’s Speech

Prof.Hebat Allah Nasr