Student’s Affairs


It is the first destination student visits for joining to the university, and turns to it in all matters he wants to know regarding the enrollment, study system, and examinations he performs until he is awarded the degree.

The first step for freshman when directing to student’s affairs at his  faculty in which he has accepted; he has to bring a nomination card  from Coordination Office, next to bring a pay permission from the official of his division at student affairs, then to pay the prescribed fees at the college’s treasury ,after that to submit a receipt and a personal photo to the official of his batch to extract the card, finally going to Student’s Affairs Office for any subscriptions for instance transport subscription or enrollment certificates, etc….

Ms. Rada Abdul Shakur-Director of the Administration

Workers of the Administration

1-Ms. Zainab Rizk Mohamed

2-Ms. Walaa Gamal Ismail

3-Hebatullah Adel Abdul Raheem